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Windows 11:
Preparing to Upgrade

It’s always exciting to get the very latest version of something, and operating systems are no different. Especially Windows 11, with its streamlined new look, improved functionality and innovative features. But if you’re waiting for the free upgrade, you have a few months to go.

That doesn’t mean you should be twiddling your thumbs. A new operating system is a big deal, and there’s plenty you need to do to prepare. Here are three points for your pre-upgrade action list.

Review your devices

If your team’s desktop computers, laptops and tablets have been in place for a few years, they may not meet the minimum requirements for Windows 11. These include 4GB of RAM, 64GB of storage and a TPM 2.0 chip. If you’re hoping to upgrade for free, you’ll need to review the full set of requirementsand check all your devices to make sure they have everything they need.

If you find you do need to buy any new devices, it’s best to get started on the process as soon as possible. The global chip shortage means that it may take longer than usual for your new PC or laptop to arrive.

Back up your data

When you’ve got all the right hardware in place, you’ll need to perform a backup before the upgrade. Maybe this doesn’t seem necessary – after all, once you’ve upgraded, you’ll be able to access all your data and files simply by signing in with your Microsoft account. 

But things can and do go wrong when installing a new operating system, and it’s easy for important files to go astray. A full backup – to an external hard drive, or a cloud solution such as OneDrive – is the only reliable way to protect your essential data. It’s also best to double-check it’s all backed up properly before you go ahead and upgrade.

Create a recovery drive

Sometimes an upgrade fails, or sometimes you just decide you were happier with the old operating system. You’ll want to create a recovery drive for Windows 10 just in case. This is a fairly simple process – just make sure you have an empty USB drive with at least 16 gigabytes of storage capacity.

These action points are straightforward enough. If you have compatible devices, your data is backed up and you’ve got a recovery drive, you’re more than equipped to move up to Windows 11 as soon as it’s available. But if something goes wrong, you could find yourself with inaccessible data, devices that don’t function, and no way for your team to carry out their work. So make sure you get expert help if you’re unsure about the process.

Do you need advice? Want support? Or would you just like someone to handle all this for you so you can get on with work? If upgrading to Windows 11 is in your future, Perigon One can provide all the help you need. Just get in touch for a chat about your business’s requirements.