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What’s Next for
Productivity Tools?

When it comes to productivity tools, the global pandemic transformed the whole landscape. Just think of the rise of Zoom! But there’s still plenty of change ahead. From updated features to brand-new apps, a reliable IT support partner can help you make the best choices for your team.

If you’ve been in the workplace for a few years, you might have noticed quite an evolution in the quality and range of productivity tools available for you to use. In fact, it’s fair to say that there’s been a dramatic improvement since 2020.

Of course, it’s obvious what’s behind that. With the start of the global pandemic, there was a sudden, global shift to working from home – and technology had to move fast to catch up. It’s been dizzying at moments, but now that things are finally settling down again, business owners and managers are really getting the benefit of these new developments.

New tools for new times

One famous example is Zoom. This easy-to-use communication platform became an integral part of many people’s lockdown routine. And not just for work meetings: Zoom chats, gatherings and even parties were an everyday occurrence. It’s hard to imagine that, before 2020, it was a fairly niche piece of software – appreciated by those in the know, but no competition for giants like Skype.

Social distancing may be over, but tools like Zoom – and Microsoft Teams, and SharePoint – are still with us. Sure, back in 2020 we were all dreaming about the day we could meet in person again. But it turns out that online collaboration is just so handy! Why spend money on travelling to meet with clients or colleagues when you could start a videocall? Why waste productive time organising an in-person team meeting when you could hop on Teams and get the matter done in a few minutes?

Make no mistake: this new generation of productivity tools has changed all our lives for the better. And with hybrid working here to stay in many workplaces, the recent evolution is set to continue.

Future developments

In IT terms, the first phase of the pandemic was like a huge, global field-testing experiment. Existing apps and tools were suddenly subjected to massive strain. Bugs and weaknesses that had previously lain dormant became very, very apparent – while previously overlooked applications, like Zoom, emerged as strong contenders in the “new normal”. 

Over two years on, there are updates and new features released practically every week. And there’s no guarantee that the tools you rely on today will still be in your favourites list tomorrow. In 2022 alone, we’ve seen a host of new productivity tools appear on the market, promising even greater flexibility and better communication.

Of course, just because something is new doesn’t mean it’s better than what you have right now. This is especially true if your workplace uses Microsoft 365, which has a ton of helpful tools you may not even be using to their full potential. A good IT support partner, like Perigon One, can help you get the best out of your current productivity apps while deciding which emergent ones are worth trying out.

If you want to tap into the full potential of what you’ve got, or you’re interested in exploring new horizons, why not get in touch to schedule your free 15-minute consult? We’ll be delighted to advise.