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Say goodbye to video call pop-ups (and Teams meeting blushes)

Imagine this scenario; You find yourself in a video call with a client confidently sharing the latest updates on your project.

Out of the blue a notification appears on your screen from your partner subtly reminding you about the havoc your child caused during their morning tantrum.. Even worse a message from your gym nudging you about your extended absence.

Pretty embarrassing isn’t it?

We’ve all experienced the challenge of keeping up a demeanor during video calls while secretly dreading those awkward pop ups stealing the spotlight. But fear not Microsoft has got our backs. They are reportedly developing a needed feature that could rescue us from these cringe worthy moments.

Just picture being able to hide specific apps while you’re on a Teams call. Say goodbye to fretting over notifications hogging the limelight. This means no unwelcome interruptions from chat apps or reminders that should remain confidential.

How does it function? As per reports Microsoft upcoming feature won’t just shrink apps to the taskbar like the workaround; it will conceal them entirely from view shielding you from any unforeseen surprises (and potential blushes).

And here’s the cherry on top; It’s not, about maintaining appearances.
This functionality could also enhance the performance of your device. By keeping those applications running in the background you release computing power and resources.

If you’ve ever found yourself frantically closing applications and browser tabs to ensure a video stream this could put an end to that struggle. With this feature you can concentrate on what truly matters during your calls without fretting about technical glitches or awkward interruptions.

While we are enthusiastic, about the potential of this addition we will need to wait and see if it materialises. We will be closely monitoring the official Microsoft 365 roadmap for any updates. Will keep you informed.

In the meantime, if we can help make your business’s video calls run more smoothly, get in touch.