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Microsoft wants you to pay for updates

Microsoft recently announced that starting from October 14 2025 they will no longer offer support and security updates for Windows 10.

The prospect of having to pay for updates may raise some questions. Lets consider the bigger picture here. By 2025 Windows 10 will be a decade old. Its likely that Microsoft will have rolled out Windows 12 by then. Additionally Windows 11 is already on the market.

Managing outdated operating systems can be quite a challenge even for a tech giant like Microsoft.

While 2025 may seem off it’s wise to start evaluating your choices now. Here are the options;

Choice 1; Upgrade to Windows 11
Microsoft prefers users to transition to Windows 11. It comes with features and free updates until its end of life.

Choice 2; Stay with Windows 10. Pay
You have the option to stick with Windows 10. You’ll have to pay for security updates (no new features though). The exact pricing details are not available yet. It’s likely to involve a subscription model for regular updates.

Choice 3; Stick, with Windows and skip updates
You can continue using a updated version of Windows without paying but this isn’t recommended.
Without updates the computers used by your business could be at risk of security threats. If issues arise and Microsoft no longer provides support even experts like us may struggle to find solutions. It’s important to consider this aspect!

You have until October 2025 to make a decision so there’s no need to rush. However if you aim for your business to succeed this year we strongly suggest upgrading to Windows 11 sooner, than later. By doing you can immediately take advantage of certain features that may enhance your operations and simplify your teams tasks.

If you’re contemplating the switch to Windows 11 or exploring options we are here to assist you in making the transition seamless and trouble free. Feel free to reach out for assistance.