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Copilot is bringing another productivity boost to Teams

If you’re someone whos all in for boosting your teams productivity to the max (who wouldn’t want that right?) then you’re going to be thrilled with what Microsoft Teams offering us with its latest upgrades for Copilot.

Picture this. You’re dab in the middle of a Teams meeting brainstorming like there’s no tomorrow. Ideas are bouncing around left and right! Even the fastest note taker in the group won’t be able to capture it all.

Hey, no worries. Copilot has your back. It can transcribe your discussions. Grasp your real time chats then highlight the most important takeaways for you.

That’s not all. Ever found yourself wishing you could undo a chat message and rephrase it? Well Copilot has your back on that front too. In fact it can even suggest a message right there in the chat window. That could save you heaps of time –. Mental energy too.

Copilots call recap feature can also come in for regular phone calls. Subscribers to Teams Premium will enjoy these summaries. It’s like having that assistant you’ve always dreamt of (though you’ll still need to make your own coffee).

Microsoft has also switched IntelliFrame to be the default setting for video calls. Curious, about what that means? It employs intelligence to recognise each persons video feed in Teams Rooms calls ensuring that everyone has their time to shine without cropped faces or vanishing participants.

Enhanced teamwork, productive meetings and video calls resembling scenes, from a Hollywood movie. Who wouldn’t be thrilled about that?

If your business isn’t fully utilising Teams yet feel free to reach out for assistance.