Would You Pay Your Way Out Of Ransomware?

What would you do if a hacker gained access to your network, stole your critical business data, and refused to give it back unless you paid a ransom? It might sound like something out of a movie, but it’s a reality some businesses are facing. So… would you pay up, or risk your data being […]

What Does a Phishing Attack Look Like?

Phishing attempts are the most common form of cyber attack. Yet many employees struggle to tell these attempts apart from real communications. In this post, we examine what a phishing attack looks like. We’ll share some examples to help you and your employees remain safe and secure online.  It’s 11:00am. You’ve got clients coming in […]

Protecting Your Business: The Importance of Choosing the Right Browser

When it comes to web browsers, it’s important to be mindful of the impact it can have on your online security. As a business, you don’t want to take any unnecessary risks, even if you prefer to steer clear of the IT megabrands. It’s crucial to understand that the browser you choose can have a […]

Communicate Right: Keeping Your Team Safe Across Multiple Chat Channels

The growth of virtual communication has opened new channels for sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace. Microsoft Communication Compliance is a valuable way to keep tabs on inappropriate messaging, without invading your team members’ privacy or undermining their trust. Since the start of the pandemic, chat channels like Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts and Slack […]

Malware is Getting Harder to Spot. Do You Have a Response and Recovery Plan?

If you’re relying on cybersecurity software to protect you, think again. Recent research shows that almost 80% of all malware delivered via an encrypted connection goes undetected. That’s why every business should have a response and recovery plan. Is your business’s antivirus software up to date? Does it detect malware, too? If your answer to […]

The Office Is On Fire!
What Do You Save?

If your office caught fire tomorrow, what’s the one thing you would save? This simple thought experiment has a very important lesson. Your biggest asset is your data, and the only way to keep that data safe is with a comprehensive disaster recovery plan. It’s a horrible thought. But it does happen, so ask yourself […]

RI Advice: A Landmark Case for Cybersecurity and the Law

A recent decision by the Federal Court ruled that RI Advice, a financial services provider, was in breach of its legal obligations. The crime? Not protecting its client data against cyberattack. If you’re in the financial services sector, then hopefully you already know about the importance of a good cybersecurity strategy. Hackers are ultra-determined to […]

More Tech Tips!
Did You Know…

When it comes to technology, security and privacy are a constant concern. Today’s tech tip rundown has three little hacks to help you keep ahead of the bad guys. …You can hide your email address? At least, you can if you’re an iPhone user. All you have to do is go to Settings > Apple […]

When a Friend in Need Isn’t What They Seem:
Watch Out for WhatsApp Scams!

“Friend in need” messages are a common WhatsApp scam that can trick you out of your money and personal data. If you get an unexpected request for help, even from a familiar number, some basic due diligence will prevent you from falling for a fake. For many of us, it’s hard to imagine life without […]

Is Cybersecurity Training
Really Necessary?

Regular, comprehensive cybersecurity training is a serious commitment. It might be tempting to save time and money by skipping those training hours. But the cost of doing so can be devastating for your business. Proper cybersecurity training costs money. It requires expertise. It takes busy people away from their work. Of course, it’s ideal if […]