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Recent Cyber Incidents and Data Breaches: An Urgent Call for Enhanced Cybersecurity

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity remains a paramount concern for businesses of all sizes. Recent months have seen a surge in high-profile cyber incidents, highlighting the critical need for robust security measures. At Perigon One, we are committed to keeping you informed and helping you safeguard your digital assets. 

Here’s an overview of recent significant cyber incidents that have affected various organisations across Australia.

  • Ticketmaster / Live Nation
    • Incident: Hackers breached Ticketmaster /Live Nation, compromising over 500 million users.
    • Impact: Damages exceeded $758 million
  •  Dell Computers 
    • Incident: Dell experienced a significant breach affecting 49 million customers.
    • Impact:  Estimated damages in the hundreds of millions.
  • Clubs NSW 
    • Incident: Data breach exposed information of over 1 million visitors.
    • Impact: Resulted in substantial identity theft protection and regulatory costs.
  • Northern Minerals 
    • Incident: Faced a ransomware attack, the second in a month.
    • Impact: Caused significant ransom payments and operational disruptions.
  • Western Sydney University (WSU) 
    • Incident: Breach affected 7,500 individuals
    • Impact: Led to high data protection and legal costs.
  • Qantas 
    • Incident: Breach exposed customer booking details.
    • Impact: Caused severe privacy concerns and reputational damage.
  • Victorian Freight Specialists 
    • Incident: Data breach leaked over 800GB of data.
    • Impact: Incurred extensive data recovery and legal costs.
  • Sumo
    • Incident: Breach compromised customer data. 
    • Impact:  Highlighted cybersecurity vulnerabilities with high associated costs.
  • Shell
    • Incident: Alleged fuel data breach exposed Australian data.
    • Impact:  Resulted in significant legal and regulatory costs.
  • Nissan Oceania / OracleCMS 
    • Incident: Call centre breach compromised vast client data.
    • Impact: Highlighted third-party risks and substantial liabilities.

The Imperative of Proactive Cybersecurity

These incidents highlight the critical need for organisations to continuously enhance their cybersecurity measures. The above are just 10 of the incidents, see the full list here.

Here are the key steps your organisation should consider:

  • Regular security audits: Conduct comprehensive audits to identify and address vulnerabilities.
  • Employee training: Educate your team on recognising and responding to cyber threats.
  • Advanced security technologies: Invest in cutting-edge solutions to protect your digital assets.

How Perigon One can help 

At Perigon One, your security is our priority. If you notice anything unusual or have concerns about your cybersecurity, we are here to assist you can email us at or schedule a call with our team.

Stay informed and prepared

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and staying informed is your first line of defense. 

Don’t wait for a breach to happen—be proactive in protecting your business today.