Ransomware threats are surging – here’s how to protect your business

Imagine waking up one morning powering up your computer only to discover that all your crucial files – ranging from customer data to records – are securely locked. Next thing you know a frightening message appears, demanding a ransom payment in order to unlock them. That’s essentially what ransomware is about. It’s a form of […]

You’re not imagining it, video calls ARE stressful

You know that feeling when you’ve spent way too much time in virtual meetings, and you’d trade your favorite coffee mug for some real face-to-face interaction? That’s called Zoom fatigue. It turns out there’s scientific evidence to back up what we’ve all been feeling. Recently, researchers from Austrian universities decided to take a closer look […]

Unlocking Business Potential with Digital Transformation: Mastering Resource Management

In the evolving landscape of business, managing an ever-expanding arsenal of digital resources can be a daunting challenge. Thankfully, the path to simplification lies in digital transformation, a journey that can streamline your operations. If you’re pondering whether to embark on the digital transformation journey, the decision is undeniably yours. What we can offer, though, […]

Building a Cloud Migration Strategy: Understanding Your Goals

Thinking of moving ahead with your plans for cloud migration? Great! But before you get stuck in, there’s one vital thing you should do to help it all progress successfully: ensure you understand your goals.  Shifting to the cloud is undoubtedly one of the smartest moves businesses can make. There are so many benefits – […]

Why Being a Great Place to Work Benefits Our Clients

At Perigon One, we’re thrilled to have recently earned the prestigious Great Place to Work Certification. It’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to creating a positive, inclusive, and engaging work environment for our incredible team. But what does this mean for our clients? How does being a great place to work translate into tangible […]

Celebrating Our Achievement: We’ve Earned the Great Place to Work Certification

We’re thrilled to share a significant achievement that deeply resonates with our core values and beliefs. Perigon One has proudly earned the prestigious Great Place to Work Certification, a milestone that embodies our unwavering commitment to creating an extraordinary workplace culture for our employees, clients, and partners. In this article, we will delve into the […]

How to Get the Perfect Video Call Setup

Video conferencing has become one of the most important methods of keeping people connected during the remote revolution. But is our existing approach really facilitating great communications? Today’s laptops are almost unrecognisable from the laptops of the past. They’re essentially all-in-one solutions with everything you need built right into the device. The very first laptops, […]

Stop Wasting Money on the Wrong Tech

Struggling to see the results you’d been hoping for from your tech investments? You’re not alone. As it turns out, digital transformation isn’t working for everyone. And it all comes down to the wrong tech.  Australian businesses are investing more and more in technology. Software spending across the nation is on the rise, and it’s […]

Australian Tech Trends to Watch Out For in 2023 and Beyond

The Australian tech scene is shifting quicker than ever before, and we’re at the forefront of exciting change. Take a look at just some of the top trends shaping our digital landscape in 2023 – and beyond… Australia is well on track to be a global digital leader and a key player in digital innovation […]

Data Disposal & Waste Management

We’re changing the way we approach data disposal and waste management here at Perigon One, giving our clients complete confidence that their old technologies are being handled in the best way.  As you probably already know, the way we’re handling waste here in Australia is changing. Under the National Waste Policy Action Plan 2019, the […]