Check, Check, Check:
Your Data Breach Response Plan

With 98% of businesses suffering a data breach in the last eighteen months, it’s a virtual certainty that you’ll be hit. A well-formulated data response plan will help you mitigate damage and recover quickly. IT experts agree: it’s much safer to store your data in the cloud than it is to save it locally on […]

Do you need a
Password Manager

Reusing passwords is the simplest way to remember account login details. It’s also the riskiest. If your business doesn’t have the strongest password strategy, it could be worth trying a password manager.  Hands up if you use the same password to log into a whole host of different websites and applications? You’re not alone. In […]


What They Are, and How to Protect Yourself Even if you don’t know how to identify a man-in-the-middle attack, you’ve certainly been the target of at least one. You might have received an email that claimed to be from your bank, asking you to log in to fix a problem with your account. Or maybe […]

When Will Your Business be
Attacked by Ransomware?

A ransomware attack is a very serious thing. Using a range of tricks and scams, cybercriminals break into your network. For a little while they stay hidden, working away in the background to change your security systems and prevent you from kicking them out again. Once they’re safely established, they encrypt your data and lock […]

Dynamite Phishing: Cyber
Shock Tactics

If you’re a switched-on email user, you’ll probably have heard of phishing. This is when a cybercriminal sends you a message that looks as if it comes from a trusted source, such as a bank or online store, prompting you to click a link or download a file. The aim is to gain access to […]

Staying Safe Over
the Holidays

For some people, the winter holidays are a time for disconnecting from the daily grind. Whether they’re celebrating with family and friends or spending a blissful few days alone, the last thing they want to think about is work. It’s time to activate “out of office” and forget about it all until the New Year. […]

Is Your Browser Putting
You in Danger?

How often do you think about updating your computer’s internet browser? We’re guessing it’s not very often. Modern browsers work so seamlessly that we rarely pay them much attention. But surprisingly, many of us are working with out-of-date browsers.  The situation is particularly serious for Microsoft users. Edge Legacy was discontinued this year, while support […]

Safe Working in
Coffee Shops

There was a time when the only people with laptops in coffee shops were freelancers, students, and writers working on their screenplays. But now, with so many of us working remotely, lots of employees are also discovering the joys of the home-from-home office. It can’t be denied that coffee-shop working has serious advantages. You can’t […]

Software Updates:
Not Just An Annoyance!

Are you ever working away on an important project when a message pops up in the corner of your computer screen telling you updates are ready to be installed? Somehow it always happens when you’re in the middle of something really crucial. Pausing work and restarting your computer would be a pain, so you click […]

Reusing Passwords?
Think Again!

Have you filled out one of those Facebook quizzes recently? You know the ones –  what was the name of your first family pet? What street did you grow up on? Which song was at the top of the charts when you were born? They look like innocuous questions, but these quizzes are actually a […]