What’s Next for
Productivity Tools?

When it comes to productivity tools, the global pandemic transformed the whole landscape. Just think of the rise of Zoom! But there’s still plenty of change ahead. From updated features to brand-new apps, a reliable IT support partner can help you make the best choices for your team. If you’ve been in the workplace for […]

Are Your Remote Workers’
Devices Still Working Properly?

Accidents happen to the best of us, but it can be hard to own up when they do. With 67% of remote workers using faulty or damaged equipment, encouraging prompt reporting and supplying new, up-to-date devices as needed is the only effective way to keep your business’s data safe. It’s a nightmare scenario. You’re working […]

Should You Monitor Your
Remote Workers?

Late last year, Microsoft announced a new feature that would make it easier for employers to monitor their employees’ activity. “Bossware” is increasingly popular with corporations who want to keep tabs on their remote workers. But is this kind of surveillance justified? In November 2021, Microsoft made a controversial announcement. The software giant was road-mapping […]

How Microsoft Applications Can Be Used to Improve Productivity in Your Business – Part 4

Welcome to Part 4 of our productivity guide. Below, we’re diving into 5 more digital solutions that can help your employees communicate better, collaborate more effectively, and work smarter. And best of all, every one of these tools comes as part of your Microsoft 365 Enterprise package.  Power Automate (Microsoft Flow) Previously known as Microsoft […]

Working From Home?
Look Out For the ‘Other Laptop’

With remote and flexible working now a normal part of office life, security is more important than ever before. Unmanaged devices, such as personal laptops and tablets, can allow hackers to enter your business’s network by the back door. The pandemic has changed our lives in lots of ways. Some of these, like lockdowns and […]