3 Scary Questions to Ask About Your Staff’s Phone Data

In this mobile-first world, more and more businesses are encouraging their employees to access company data on their own personal phones. And why not? It saves time, money and thought. With all your data and apps stored in the cloud, you can access them on any device, at any time. There’s no reason to carry […]

What Do You Stand To Lose If Your Business Goes Up In Smoke?

We saw a lot of devastating wildfires in Australia in the 2019-20 season, taking out more than 18 million hectares of land and nearly 6,000 buildings. A lot of the destroyed properties were homes and farms, but it’s also reckoned that more than a quarter of Australian businesses were lost. Government estimates of the financial […]

How You Can Protect Your Business Against Cyber Attack

Last year’s report by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) revealed that they received 59,806 cybercrime reports in the year ending 30th June 2020, and responded to 2,266 security incidents. And these are only the reported attacks. In 2019 alone, Australian businesses lost over AU$634 million in reported cybercrime scams. Some estimates suggest that the […]

How to Protect Your Business Against Ransomware

Cybercrime is big business, and your business is the target. We’ve talked before about phishing, but another form of cybercrime on the rise is ransomware. If cybercriminals get access to your system, the hackers can apply complex encryption to all your business data, and lock you out of your own files until you pay them […]

Perigon One’s Email Fraud Presentation

We recently gave a presentation about email fraud to the Institute of Public Accountants at the 2021 WA State Congress. We were talking mainly about phishing, the email phenomenon that accounts for 25% of notified data breaches in Australia every year. Phishing is email fraud on a massive scale, with scammers targeting anyone and everyone […]